Sunday, August 24, 2008

Waiting for Our Little One or Ones?

The name is of blog is a little confusing isn't it? because we do not even know if we are waiting for our little one or our little ones. Someday hopefully in the next couple of months (or even sooner) we will get "the call" that we have been matched but in the meantime we wait and we don't know who we are waiting for. Painting the rooms will have to wait. We are not sure who will be sharing a room. Will Nicholas be sharing with a little brother? I think he is really hoping for that. Picking out little outfits will also have to wait. We will get another weekly update from the agency tomorrow (Tom's and my 19th anniversary!) and maybe there will be some new referrals but honestly I'm not expecting anything because the referrals have slowed down to almost nothing the past couple of months. Am I sounding too sad about it? I'm really ok with the wait at the moment trusting that we will get matched with the perfect little one or ones for us when the moment is right. Believe me some days are better than others. I'm not always so well adjusted about the wait. Anyway Nicholas and I thought another poll would be fun. Who do you think we will get matched with? Please vote in our poll.