Monday, December 10, 2007

More on siblings...

Last Friday we met with our social worker to discuss changing our request to a sibling pair. The meeting went well. We have fulfilled all the other requirements and are waiting our final approval for the switch but don't anticipate a problem with our request. What is our request? Right now we are thinking a sibling pair with one child being under 5 years old and one child being 0-12 months. We are also requesting to be put on the list for twins up to 18 months old. There is still a long wait for these requests. I believe the wait is about one year and as you can see from our ticker at the top of this blog we have been officially waiting just over 5 months so we probably have about 7 months left to be matched and then we would travel to Ethiopia 1-3 months after that. There are no concrete estimates for wait time though as it is impossible to predict what the ages of the children that will come into care at any given time. The current wait time for infants is about 16 months. We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear more! So exciting :)